7 Nice API for your projects !

Niraj Shrestha
2 min readNov 18, 2021

API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other!

Today I will share with you some nice API to use for your projects!!

🍿 Movie database (IMDB)


If you need informations about movies, series, etc… You can use IMDB API that is very easy to use!

🥄 Food Recipes (spoonacular)


Are you looking for recipes? Soonacular is a great api that will provide you some recipes for your next project!!

👽 Rick & Morty database


The Rick and Morty API is based on the television show Rick and Morty. You will have access to about hundreds of characters, images, locations and episodes !!

🩲 Random Advice


Very fast api to use! It will provide you some random advice!

You can test it right now from this url https://api.adviceslip.com/advice

🥸 Fake User


Do you need fake user for your website? This API will give you a list of fake user!

🤡 User icons (DiceBear)


DiceBear is an avatar library for designers and developers. You can test it fastly at this url for example: https://avatars.dicebear.com/api/male/john.svg?background=%230000ff

🐱 Cats fact


This app will combine APIs and Services from the web to do just one thing… send cat facts.

I hope you like this reading!



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